Did you know that 2015 was sort of a banner year for ‘smartness?’ That’s because there was an unprecedented wave of new (or radically improved) smart products for homeowners. Consumer Affairs published an article that listed some of those products… Read More
Archive for the ‘Lawn Sprinkler Systems’ Category
How Much Water Does Your Landscape Really Need?
We’ve got a couple of problems in America. Well, far more than a couple. But let’s focus on two particular problems for a moment. Both of these problems have to do with water — quantities of water, to be more… Read More
A Community Gets Really Smart About Water Conservation
Lots of people these days are getting really smart about water usage. It’s partly because of the news we hear on a regular basis from drought-stricken areas of the country. Many areas — places like California, for example — are… Read More
Top 5 Signs You’re Overwatering Your Lawn
As we move into spring, and as spring heats up into summer, you’ll be watering your lawn more and more frequently. After all, the math is pretty simple: hotter weather + less frequent rain = more watering. But more isn’t… Read More
Does Your City Offer a Smart-Sprinkler Rebate?
Smart sprinkler systems like TLC’s Hydrawise are revolutionizing modern landscape irrigation technology. That may seem like an overstatement. But in fact, the new controllers that are used to make irrigation systems ‘smart’ really do provide some revolutionary, never-before-available benefits to… Read More
The Soothing Sounds of Lawn Sprinklers
The days are still short, and the air still frigid. Mother Nature has not yet loosened her icy, wintry grip upon the land. But it won’t be long. As the days lengthen and twilight shadows linger, hints of springtime will… Read More
How to Lower Your Landscape’s Toxicity
With every passing week, it seems, more bad news comes out about pesticides and the harm they may be causing to the environment. The media attention spurs an ongoing, heated argument about the positives and negatives of pesticide use. There’s… Read More
It’s Time to Think Differently About Water
A leaky faucet. A sprinkler pattern that laps over onto the street. Applying more than the just-right amount of water to your landscape. These are all things that haven’t been high on our list of concerns for most of us…. Read More
Top 4 Ways Homeowners Can Help the Environment
Every homeowner wants to save money. And most homeowners would like to do what they can to help the environment, too. Happily, modern technology has made both goals easier to achieve than ever before. And in most cases, making strides… Read More
9 Out of 10 Water Utilities Getting Smarter
Water is a precious and dwindling resource. In some parts of the country, notably California, the shortage of water is generating both hardships and societal upheaval. And over the long-term, the water shortage is expected to only worsen and become… Read More