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Got a Real Head-Scratcher On Your Gift List? How About a Snow Removal Insurance Policy

Christmas is a glorious time of the year. For most people, it’s the happiest time of year. But there’s one Christmas conundrum that each of us faces every season, a problem that can turn gift shopping into an exercise in frustration: What to get for that person who seems to have everything?

Doesn’t it seem that every year there’s at least one person on your list that’s just impossible to shop for? A person that, so far as you can tell, doesn’t really seem to need much of anything? You can’t think of a single thing that’s likely to truly surprise and please this person.

You know that he or she will act surprised and pleased about anything you give, of course. But you don’t want it to be an act! You want to give a gift that will truly surprise and delight.

Here’s a gift idea that you’ve probably never considered before: a snow removal insurance policy.

snow graphic

What kind of a gift is that, you say? A great gift, we say!

Think about it. Even the “person who has everything” probably does not have a snow removal insurance policy. And here’s what they’ll get with that policy:

• Every snowfall of 2 inches or more will be cleared from their driveway and walkways within 12 hours.

• Service from a professional crew using snow blowers and snow shovels (no risk of damage to pavement from snowplows).

• Snow removal services will be provided for every snowfall of at least 2 inches through April 1st. The one-time policy purchase applies to the entire season – no matter how many times it might snow.

Just Imagine the Joy Your Gift Will Offer…

The lucky recipient of your gift will not have to worry about snow removal all winter long.

Can’t you just imagine the joy your gift will offer? Think of your gift recipient arising on the morning of a heavy snowfall. He or she stands at the window, admiring nature’s beauty.

In winters past, they wouldn’t be quite so appreciative of the beauty. Instead, they’d be thinking about having to bundle-up and venture out into the cold to endure the backbreaking labor of clearing their driveway and walkway. But no more. You’ve taken care of that for them.

Every time there’s a heavy snowfall, the lucky person you gifted with a snow removal insurance policy can just relax and enjoy the beauty of the winter wonderland. And with each snowfall, that person will think of you and your wonderfully thoughtful and innovative gift.

You’ve heard of the gift that keeps on giving? A snow removal insurance policy is that gift!

This entry was posted on Wednesday, December 4th, 2013 at 5:36 pm. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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