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Laying the Groundwork for a Successful Home Remodeling Project

There’s no doubt that a home remodeling project can do much to enhance the home life of the typical family. But whether the project is a basement remodel, a bathroom remodel, or some other project, there’s also no doubt that navigating your way through a remodeling project can be difficult, or even a bit scary.


That’s because any home remodeling project is a large undertaking. And if you make some bad decisions along the way, there’s always the chance that something could go wrong that will cost you in dollars, headaches – or both.

If you’ve been through the process before, you’ve likely learned some lessons that will help guide you through your next remodeling project. But if you’re a remodeling newbie considering launching a remodeling project for the very first time, here are some tips to help guide you through the process.

#1: Know What You Want

Before you pick up the phone to call your remodeling contractor (that would be us, of course!), be sure to have a clearly developed vision of what you’re seeking.

You don’t have to know how you’ll achieve that vision – we can help you with that. But you do need to have a clear vision of what you’re hoping to achieve with your remodeling project.

#2: Make Realistic Scheduling Plans

There’s no avoiding the fact that a remodeling project will be a little disruptive to your home life for a while. That’s why you should work with your contractor to develop a realistic schedule for the project. You should have a clear idea of when the project will begin, when it will end, and the projected dates of significant milestones along the way.

One note of caution: Many homeowners fall into the trap of cultivating unrealistic expectations for the project – both when it will be done, and how it will be done. That’s why it’s important that you establish a pattern of clear communication with your contractor. Your contractor should listen carefully to what you want to accomplish. And just as importantly, you should make realistic plans for your project based upon the feedback from your contractor.

#3: Make Contingency Plans for Daily Life

Will your primary bathroom be unavailable for a while? Will your kitchen be unusable for a few days? Will your bedroom be off-limits for a brief time? How will you handle these inconveniences?

Rare is the home renovation project that doesn’t impose temporary disruptions upon your daily pattern of life. Work with your contractor in developing a clear understanding of what those disruptions will entail, and when they will occur. And then make contingency plans for working around those disruptions as smoothly as possible.

#4: Don’t Freak Over Every Problem

It’s a virtual certainty: something will go wrong during your remodeling project. Some unanticipated problem will crop up; just plan on having to deal with the unplanned.

Choosing a very experienced contractor will help to minimize unanticipated problems, but they’re still likely to occur. It’s the contractor’s job to work through those problems as efficiently and effectively as possible. It’s your job to understand that sometimes ‘stuff’ just unavoidably happens.

#5: Let the Workers Work

Yes, you have every right and responsibility to carefully oversee your project. But that doesn’t mean constantly hovering over the workers that are toiling away for you. Give them their space. Let them do their jobs.

It’s Worth It…

Any home renovation project is going to be disruptive to your life, even if only to a small degree and for a brief period. Run away from any prospective contractor that tells you otherwise.

But don’t let that brief period of inconvenience deter you from moving ahead with the project. After all, virtually every remodeling project holds the potential of improving your family’s life substantially, and for many years to come.

Wouldn’t it be a shame to give all that up just to avoid a little momentary inconvenience?

This entry was posted on Friday, November 20th, 2015 at 3:42 pm. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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