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House Too Small? All the More Reason to Consider a Basement Remodel.

Are the walls of your smallish home closing in on your family? As your family grows, does your house seem to shrink?

That’s the way of nature: families grow, and houses don’t – at least, not without some help.

basement remodeling kids toys

But sometimes, selling and moving just simply isn’t an option, even if your home has become uncomfortably tight. For a multitude of reasons, many homeowners find themselves stuck (pun intended!) in homes that are just too small for present circumstances.

If that’s you, there might be a very simple solution to your problem. And it lies right beneath your feet.

Renovated Basements Can Add a HUGE Chunk of Space

Depending upon the design of your home, renovating your basement may nearly double the amount of living space available to your family. Double!

That’s why a basement renovation can be a lifesaver for a family that’s cramped for space.

And you can do anything you want with all of that extra space. Basement renovations typically revolve around fun zones like game rooms and home theaters. But if you’re cramped for bedroom space, for example, there’s no reason you can’t include one or more bedrooms in your renovation design.

A properly renovated basement can be used for any purpose you desire – whatever will best ease your family’s growing pains.

Your Bank Account Will Thank You

In comparison to selling your current home and buying a significantly larger home, a basement remodel is likely to leave your bank account considerably less battered and bruised.

In fact, basement remodeling projects are always in the annual Cost vs. Value Report issued by Remodeling Magazine year after year, perennially placing in the top 10 of remodeling projects that add the most value to a home.

So not only will you save the budget-busting mortgage bump of buying a new home, you’ll significantly increase the value of your present home with a basement renovation.

If You Have a Basement, You Have Options…

If you’ve been fretting of late about your growing family vs. your seemingly shrinking home, that dusty, neglected space beneath the floor might just be your out.

Renovating your basement can instantly transform your home from too small to quite spacious. It’ll increase your home value to boot, more than most other types of renovation projects. And it’ll save your family from the trauma of uprooting and moving to a new neighborhood.

A pretty sweet deal, no matter how you look at it. Who knew that there would be such treasure hidden away in that dank and musty old basement?



This entry was posted on Monday, November 17th, 2014 at 5:36 pm. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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