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Have a Fun, Old-Fashioned Campout Without Ever Leaving Home

We’re past the mid-point of summer. So this summer will soon be winding down. Vacations will be coming to an end, and kids will be going back to school. Autumn leaves will soon begin to swirl, and evenings will arrive with a nip in the air.

But summertime isn’t over just yet. And as we wring every last drop of fun out of this summer before it fades into history, there’s one hallowed summertime tradition that many of us might be missing out on: lawn camping.


Did You Do It?

Think back to when you were a kid (that’s a long time ago for some of us!). Did you ever go lawn camping? I’ll bet most of you will answer yes.

And if you did, wasn’t it exciting? It was kind of like watching a scary movie: You get the thrill of the chill, without actually being in danger.

That’s what lawn camping is like for kids. They get to experience the thrill of being on their own out in the wilderness, without actually being on their own. Or in the wilderness.

And for younger kids that might be experiencing camping for the very first time, it can help to ease the sometimes-traumatic experience of a first night spent away from their familiar and cozy bed.

After all, that bed is never more than a few steps away when you’re lawn camping.

It’s REAL Camping

Now if you happen to be an experienced outdoors-person, you might tend to look down your nose a bit at lawn camping. But remember, this is for kids mostly (though it can be a kick for adults, too!)

But it’s still real camping.

You can experience just about everything you’d experience on a camping hike out into the wilderness. You can:

  • Have a campfire
  • Cook campout food, things like hamburgers and hot dogs (and don’t forget about smores!)
  • Pitch a tent and sleep inside, or snooze under the stars


In short, lawn camping is a great way to experience the excitement of a camping trip without the commitment of a traditional camping trip.

And it doesn’t require the planning or expense of a traditional camping trip. You can decide to go lawn camping on the spur of the moment, and for very little expense.

A Special Way to Experience Family Fun

If your family is like most, it’s probably split into two pretty solid factions: those that love to camp (or at least want to try it), and those that couldn’t be less interested in camping.

But with lawn camping, everyone can do what they want. And the family can still enjoy a special time of togetherness.

That’s because everyone can enjoy an evening of family fun. There can be a cookout. There can be lawn games. Scary stories around the campfire. Toasting marshmallows.

But then when bedtime rolls around, the wimpy non-campers can head inside to their cozy beds. And the stalwart campers can brave the out-of-doors in their tents and sleeping bags.

Lawn camping is a wonderful tradition. It’s a great way to experience summer fun.

And there’s still some summertime left in this summer. So why not wring a little more fun out of it with some lawn camping?

This entry was posted on Sunday, August 16th, 2015 at 2:20 pm. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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