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A Great Grab-N-Go Storage System For Your Garage

garage_organization_services_virginiaHas this happened to you? Something comes up last minute: maybe an opportunity to go fishing with a friend, or a short-notice invitation to go on a camping trip. People are waiting for you. And the stuff you need – fishing rod, backpack, sleeping bag – is in your garage. You just need to grab it and go.

 There’s only one problem: you have to ‘find’ before you can ‘grab.’ And you can’t find. Bummer. Maybe your friends will wait, and maybe they won’t. But one thing’s for sure: your ‘fun’ activity is starting out as a real pain in the…garage.

 Of course, that same scenario can be replayed in many variations.

Maybe you’ve finally talked yourself into doing that hedge trimming you’ve been putting off for ages. So, all psyched-up, ready for action, and eager to get the chore underway and over with, you march into your garage, grab the hedge clipper, and…um…let’s see…grab the hedge clipper, grab the hedge clipper, grab the hedge clipper…where IS the miserable thing!?

There’s nothing that kicks a bad attitude into high-gear like having to hunt for something before you can even get started with an unpleasant job. (Those poor hedges are going to be trembling in terror when you finally come at them, long-lost clipper in hand and anger in your eyes!).

A Simple, Elegant Solution…

There’s a wonderful garage storage system that can transform the above scenarios into problems that other people have, not you. It’s the storeWALL system of wall-mounted storage attachments. And it’s an ideal system for garage storage.

Here’s how it works:

  • You mount the storeWALL panels on your garage walls. They are decorative and durable, and are available in many color options, including a number of simulated wood grains. (They’re attractive enough to be a great choice for finishing your interior walls – even without consideration of all the storage options they’ll provide.)


  • You then attach any combination of hooks, baskets, shelves, bins or totes to the storeWALL panels. Mount as many or as few storage attachments as you wish. Position them on the wall in whatever pattern you desire (the options are virtually infinite).


  • Mounting the storage attachments to the wall is fast and easy. That’s because of the patented CamLok mechanism that’s used to attach the storage attachments to the paneling. Just a simple twist of the CamLok secures the storage attachment to the wall paneling. No need for drilling holes or driving screws every time you want to install a storage attachment. And just a simple twist unlocks the storage attachment for removal or repositioning.


Whether for Work or for Play, There’s No Need for Delay

Mount storeWALL panels on your garage interior walls, and you’ll have a MASSIVE amount of storage space available to you. And every item stored using the storeWALL system will be off the floor, easy to organize, easy to find.

You’ll be able to put your hands on anything you need quickly and easily. Procrastination may continue to be a way of life – as it is for so many of us – but NOT because you can’t find what you need.

Now, if you could just get those invitations to fishing and camping trips to start rolling in…

This entry was posted on Saturday, September 28th, 2013 at 1:00 am. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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